Featured images on the home page

Images for the home page slider need to be  1038 px by 300 px in size exactly.

The text appears on the left covering part of the picture.

  • For pictures with important things on the left, don’t add any text.

There can be only 7 images appearing.

Remove an image

Go the page  that has the image

  • Click on All posts in the dashboard
  • Choose Category “Featured home page” and filter the list to get just those posts.
  • Choose the post you want to remove

Uncheck the Category “Featured home page”.

To be tidy you could (but need not):

  • change the Visibility to private.
  • delete the post that contains the image.
  • change the Status to draft or Pending Review.

To remove an image from the website so it cannot ever be shown again choose “Media” in the dashboard and delete it there.

Add a new image

  1. Create a new post.
  2. Give it a title that will help you find it again. The title does not show.
  3. Check the category “Featured home page”.

You can only have 7 items showing, and you will need to remove one to add another.

Change the text on an image

Go the page  that has the image

  • Click on All posts in the dashboard
  • Choose category “Featured home page” and filter the list to get just those posts.
  • Choose the page you want to edit
  • Edit the text on the page.

Change the order the images appear

Change the publication date to manipulate the order.

The newest will appear first.