Rangirua :: two voices

Rangirua :: two voices

Evan Parker & Richard Nunns

Richard Nunns and Evan Parker first met in the 80’s but it was not until 1999 that they agreed to play together.

Their music is created spontaneously, it involves working with the miniscule nuances at the outer regions of the
fundamental sound. Here we have two musicians from opposite ends of the world, tapping into very different ancient traditions, who are both responsible for opening doors to universes of sound, coming together to open a new door. The resulting live recording is featured on this CD. (From Jeff Henderon)

In fitting with collaboration with Parker Richard Nunns is also a first class improvisor who works within the frameworks and limitations of his chosen instruments to elicit a sphere of sounds and patterns that is surprising given the relative simplicity of their constructions. … The sounds invoked necessarily avoid Western musical constructs and Parker’s array of extended techniques meshes beautifully in the non-tempered surroundings.Derek Taylor, www.onefinalnote.com, 2001
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